Sunday, May 08, 2005


--ORINGAL MSG-- Its vodafone national PASS it on day. To promote free txting on weekends. Pass it on 2 20 people and be toppd $50 4 free. Pass it on!

-ORINGAL MSG- Its vodafone national stupid fuck day. If u think u will get a free million $ top up u are retarded. Pass it on 2 20 stupid fucks. And get nothin!

--ORINGAL MSG-- Its vodafone national suck my balls day. To promote ballsucking weekends.Pass it on 2 20 people and someone may suck ur balls 4 free!Pass it on!

-ORINGAL MSG- Its vodafone national muff eating day. If u want to eat muff then forward this to 20 people and muff will come and find you. Pass muff on.