Sunday, May 22, 2005

Wa Wa Potatoes

I have followed FGL's recommendation that I add Haloscan's trackback to the blog. Unfortunately I now need to get the blogger commenting system back and remove the Haloscan commenting system as it pisses me off, and also since all the old blogger comments are now hidden. I'm sure I'll be able to get this fixed today. I also noticed that FGL has implemented the Technorati tagging system, and I have decided to do the same. I'm interested to see how it works out. I'll be testing it after this post.

Free text weekends are still in full force. I have received far too much spam, and have been giving it back tenfold. I'll be interested to see if Vodafone NZ actually bother to enforce the whole "If you excessively use the Vodafone Free TXT weekends, it may result in the suspension of services" though I doubt I have yet pushed the limit of it, but I bet someone somewhere already has... I also noticed this morning that Vodafone have this wonderful page to help even the most retarded of people identify "Hoax Texts" - wow :D